How is your part of the world doing (both current and future prospects) compared to how it was 30/40 years ago? Please say where you are in the world.

Edit- Thank you everyone for commenting. It has been very interesting for me and hopefully for others. If you are just coming to this post please still comment I am still reading them.

    11 months ago


    I’m pretty sure most people would agree USA now is a worse place than USA in the 80s/90s, but austerity measures that hurt almost everyone now but helped the economy in the short term are a big reason why the 80s and 90s were prosperous for many. We’re finally starting to turn away from austerity and unions are growing in strength, but that’s not to say that (relatively speaking) the economy is good here, inflation is hitting hard, and who knows if Republicans win 2024.

    The biggest existential threat to the country is the attempted hostile takeover by theocrats, which has been well over 40 years in the making, is nothing short of conspiracy, and quite frankly I think secession talks should get serious if Trump wins in 2024, even moreso if Rs get a majority in Congress. Maybe this comes off as panicky, but there’s a reason women, LGBT people, and non-whites are the biggest buyers of guns now. I can’t afford one.

    At this point whether Republicans or Democrats will win 2024 feels like a coin flip. Biden’s polling worse than Trump (neither is polling great) but also Democrats are winning most special elections (usually special elections go to Republicans) and a slue of anti-gerrymandering court decisions are taking effect, not to mention Trump could be in jail (and a bunch of other politicians from both parties are getting sued.)