The “What the dm planned/what the players do” meme reminded me of this instance from a few months back while I one-shotted in a campaign break.

    1 year ago

    I could never run that with any of my usual players.

    A few years ago, I had a flash of genius for my home brew world for a plug n play campaign. Demons were possessing things. Not standard d&d demons/devils, my own version in a d&d style setting/world.

    Multiple groups encountered the same thing during some one shot sessions, they’d be going somewhere and hear baa-ing in the distance. Never near farms. If they investigated, they’d find the now demonic goats before the demons are really settled in, and be much easier to handle.

    None of them did, so they got goat piled (which is like being dog piled, but hornier) just after finishing off the “surprisingly” easy one shot boss. Total mayhem ensued in each case.

    Ever since then, I’ll add in baaing in the distance as a description of the surroundings and to hear anyone that was involved groan and over prepare for a fight.

    If some sheep came up to these players acting possessed like that, they’d kill it lol.