If you happen to come across right-wing media, propaganda and discourse, you’ll notice here and then a mention of George Soros as an evil mastermind behind geopolitical events, “globalist agenda” and such.

Why do you think there’s a focus on George Soros? We are aware of Soros’ interference in global affairs through his funding of color revolutions worldwide, but why would the extreme right-wing have an aversion to Soros?

This discourse regarding Soros can be found in the Brazilian extreme-right as well.

  • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    There’s more focus on Soros specifically compared to other billionaires because he’s Jewish and he’s more out in the open with his political action than many others. The reason fascists rile against the “globalist agenda” is because their mythology says this agenda is Jewish and therefore evil. It also gives the working people a foothold into this ideology of the wealthy by telling them that this one billionaire is the source of their problems, while allowing billionaires and capital in general be.