Some people want to be able to watch a movie “for the first time” all over again. Others want to forget a rubbish one. If you could remove just one movie from your memory, which would it be?

    1 year ago

    oh my God

    I’d never heard of it so I looked up the synopsis on Wikipedia and holy **** I cannot believe the sheer volume of horrible things happening. every fucking line I was going “dear Lord, it gets worse???” I cannot imagine seeing this as a child. how did your parents not realize how fucked up it was and turn it off in the first couple minutes? I am astounded something like this even exists, what could possibly be the audience for this? people with a craving to just watch the world burn??? I simply do not understand. truely, you are most deserving of being at the top of this thread. if there were only one forget-a-movie pill made for all the world to share, I would give it to you, no question. my condolences for your murdered childhood innocence after watching that. holy fuck.

      1 year ago

      Lol thank you for your sympathies. I don’t know the exact conditions for how my parents came into possession of this movie, but I was left to view it in its entirety without interruption. I appreciate the brains capacity to repress traumatic events - I only remember bits and pieces. Upon watching it as an adult, I was shocked to realise it was much worse than I remember.