This type of behavior is indicative of a larger cultural problem that devalues women and their contributions. It also creates an environment that reinforces the idea that men are superior and that women should not be taken seriously. By allowing this type of content, social media sites like Facebook are perpetuating this ideology.

This type of thinking is oppressive and is a form of fascism. In my opinion, if you are not a feminist, you are a fascist.

Sorry if the Facebook memes in the pic are disturbing. But I needed to make a point.

    1 year ago

    You’re not wrong, but unfortunately much of what passes for “feminism” in the west today has also become complicit in this stuff. (Not to open that struggle session again, but I first realized this about the time certain center-left publications started pushing the “sex work is work” line in a completely uncritical way; whatever the proper Marxist attitude to prostitution is, promoting it to huge numbers of women, as a viable substitute for productive labor, is certainly unprincipled and plays into the hand of capital). Socialist feminism is the way forward!