Like many others I am currently playing Starfield. It is a lot of fun, but it also has many flaws. My partner asked why I’m playing it so much if I have so many complaints and I explained that there really is no alternative for this sort of game. If you want a first person game with individual cities full of unique NPCs you can interact with your only options are Bethesda games or Outer Worlds. Skyrim came out over a decade ago, its still my favorite game of all time, and I still play it frequently, and I really hoped it would have more copycats.

I would compare it to being a fan of professional football, but not being a fan of the NFL. There really isn’t anywhere else to go. If you want to watch, they are the only game in town. I’m really hopeful with how long it has been since the last ESO that we might start to see some competitors in this space. There are a few that seem promising. Such as Avowed and The Bloodline, but until those drop I will be playing Starfield.