An update to Google's privacy policy suggests that the entire public internet is fair game for it's AI projects. If Google can read your words, assume they belong to the company now, and expect that they’re nesting somewhere in the bowels of a chatbot.
An update to Google’s privacy policy suggests that the entire public internet is fair game for it’s AI projects.
It did not come out of nowhere, it’s right in there: I mentioned taxes because using a public good/service is only freeloading (like people imply with google scraping public data or Elon when he talks about data pillaging) if you don’t pay for its upkeep.
It did not come out of nowhere, it’s right in there: I mentioned taxes because using a public good/service is only freeloading (like people imply with google scraping public data or Elon when he talks about data pillaging) if you don’t pay for its upkeep.