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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/opellegr on 2023-07-03 19:04:57+00:00.

My family owns a beach house with a private sand beach. Occasionally people from the public will wander across the beach, but it doesn’t happen all that often because the location is pretty remote so there’s not a lot of people coming through anyways.

We always have a bunch of people visit the beach house for the 4th of July, it’s one long party weekend. This weekend one of the guests found a ring on the beach. We have no idea how much it’s worth, but the gemstone seems pretty big.

The issue? I told the guest who found the ring that she could keep it; what a lucky find. No one invited to the house had lost a ring; it must have been lost by someone walking across the beach. However, My cousins think the ring should go to them since they’re part of the family. If anything, in my eyes if the ring were to go to family it would go to my parents since they actually own the beach house, but really I don’t think anyone has a claim to the ring at all since it was lost and then found.

My cousins have been bickering since the ring was found and making me feel like I made the wrong call, so aita?