I primarily ask this, because for a large part of my life, I have found it hard to build meaningful friendships with neurotypicals. I don’t know any autistic people in real life, but wonder if it would be easier for me to build friendships with them?

Or maybe this has more to do with general struggles of being autistic, rather than how alike I am to others. However, I always find neurotypicals don’t really go deep in conversation, but they enjoy small talk. Yet, I’m the complete opposite.

What has been your experience?

  • rosymind@leminal.space
    1 year ago

    Same, but I’ve learned how to work around his quirks. The start of our marriage was very lonely, because he has a difficult time with anything romance. He doesn’t need physical affection, or kind words, or encouragement and thus doesn’t believe he needs to give me any of those things, either. However, if I want to hug him he’s fine with it. If I ask if I did a good job, he’ll say I did (usually) and if I need encouragement I talk to my friends.

    We mostly bond by gaming :)