Certain games such as the re4 remake and stray, will randomly drop to 5 fps for a few seconds, then jump back up to 30-40 fps. These games normally run fine at 40fps but I’m not sure what causes the drops.
Certain games such as the re4 remake and stray, will randomly drop to 5 fps for a few seconds, then jump back up to 30-40 fps. These games normally run fine at 40fps but I’m not sure what causes the drops.
Maybe the long-standing SMT bug? Basically, when two threads on the same core are running, and one of the threads discards its cache, due to this bug, the cache is discarded for all the threads on the same core. This causes a temporary FPS dip.
A proper fix is due in SteamOS 3.5, but you can also turn off SMT by installing PowerTools Decky plugin to see if it helps.
More info: https://www.pcgamer.com/steamos-35-is-almost-here-includes-a-fix-for-the-steam-decks-sneakiest-performance-bug/
Thanks for the info. Sorry for asking if it’s well known already. But if valve is going to fix it them I’ll just wait. Thanks for the reply.