• genoxidedev1@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    How come you’re only defending the people putting this hateful shit on there? You aren’t impressing anybody on here by “seeing both sides” if you’re only seeing the modders side.

    Nexus removed a mod that may be (and has obviously been, because otherwise nobody would be making posts about it) perceived as hateful by others and you’re over here defending the modders that put that shit on there because “it’s political” from Nexus to take the obviously political mod down.

    On the other hand you’re probably the type preaching about “Well Twitter is allowed to encourage hate speech on their site because it’s their website and they’re allowed to do whatever they want, you don’t have to use it if you feel attacked by that”, but Nexus is not? Nexus’ site-wide rules don’t count because they’re “pushing leftist agenda” by removing mods that were never allowed there to begin with?

    “Why should NexusMods care if the mods exist?” why do you care so much if it doesn’t exist any longer? If you feel that attacked by the removal of an anti-pronouns mod you can just make a new one yourself or download it from somewhere else. Or just not give a fuck/be happy like every other normal functioning human being.

    Would you care as much as to reply to this post, if they had instead instead removed a mod that added pronouns to a game? Would that not be imposing political views as well then? Or would you just not care because you care more about making non-binary people feel excluded rather than included?

    You’re not making a point here. We are making this network a place that is inclusive to people all over the gender spectrum. Defending those that do not, is not making a point.

    I do not care to read any more of your replies as your points are easily dismantled even by someone that’s as stupid as I am.
    If you do reply, just say yes or no to the following question, that I had posed earlier: Would you care this much if they had removed a mod that added pronouns to a game?
    Try to think as hard as you can, I do not want to read any excuse for either answer. Just imagine yourself in that situation and tell me.

    • transigence@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      It’s not hateful shit, and I’m not trying to “see both sides,” either. I have no quarter for gender ideologues. However, I do think that any person or business (that doesn’t have any kind of monopoly status over critical services) has the freedom to refuse to serve anyone they want for any reason they want, so GN is free to take down whatever they want and they don’t really owe any of us an explanation.
      And, really, I’m not defending the people who made the mod and put it up. They don’t really need a defense. I’m just pointing out that the removal of it makes GN either petty activists, or scared of the left.
      Obviously gender ideologues perceive it as hateful, but so what? Gender ideologues perceive literally anything they disagree with, no matter how slightly as hateful. It’s their entire brand. Would GN host mods for a game if the game itself was “hateful?” Absolutely not. And if a mod whose only function is to remove the ability to arbitrarily select your pronouns is hateful, then why isn’t every single game which is supported on GN that does not offer that functionality considered hateful and have all support for it removed? The answer is simple: GN are petty activists and this is performative.
      My views on Twitter (et al) haven’t changed even after its ownership changed hands from someone who I don’t like to someone who I don’t like a little bit less. Not that it’s on-topic, but I think platforms like Twitter need to decide if they are publishers or platforms and then play by the rules set forth for those that they decided to be, no mixing and matching. §230 of Title 47 needs an overhaul.
      I really don’t care that much about the mod and this event, in part because I can’t afford the game nor the hardware needed to run it. But, I do have opinions on gender ideology and the behavior of public-facing organizations with respect to gender ideology.
      I’ll reiterate my point: GN are petty activists (or afraid of the left).
      Yes, I would care the exact same amount. It’s crummy behavior, no matter where it comes from. I can exist in the presence of ideas I don’t agree with. I don’t have the urge to stamp out, by fiat or coercion, every trace of any belief that differs from mine.