Always dress for the job you want
Well, look at mr moneybags flaunting his shiny lorica segmentata
I resemble this meme.
Slightly different clothing, but still…
I assume you have the decency to arrive with non-open toe shoes.
Me? I’m the kind of guy that works in the back, so if I somehow show up with wet shoes, I’ll go around barefoot while my socks are on the hot plate.
No, I don’t work restaurants, so don’t worry about your food.
Glass factory
Cell phone/tablet repair shop.
Hot plate is usually used to loosen the double sided tape/glue holding the screen or back glass on.
Still no worries, if I ever used the hot plate for other things as such, I’d always let it cool off and clean the entire surface with 91% rubbing alcohol.
Too bad my company has a no weapons code
What, ooohhh how sad.
quickly hides ak 47
Works best if you’re with enough like minded individuals that you can all form a testudo.
(The irony of this meme is that what made the Roman military superior wasn’t as much the equipment as the group work: the meme uses a photo of somebody posing as a, judging by the uniform, member of a very specifically group highly trained in cooperative tactics - not even auxilia but actually a legionaire - to illustrate extreme individualism, hence the irony).
Foul coloniser