Wild hogs live in “packs” (“sounders”, actually. Lulz.) as well. On all fronts, the hogs should win. Some of the bigger hogs could easily outweigh a wolf 5:1.
These creatures are what nightmares are made of and I wish I could say I was joking or being sarcastic.
Could a pack of wolves separate a hog from its pack and kill it? Sure. Not all hogs are hell-spawn. Regardless, we are also talking about mother nature’s true version of Medusa.
Bring back predators…the good kind. Wolves have a purpose.
Wild boars are an invasive species, they don’t have natural predators.
Good point… Panther? Mountain lion?
Where are they not invasive?
Wolves eat what ever is easiest to kill like endagered species that cant get away.
Wild hogs would destroy a wolf. These creatures are no joke.
That’s probably why wolves prefer to live in packs. Just to be more evenly matched.
Wild hogs live in “packs” (“sounders”, actually. Lulz.) as well. On all fronts, the hogs should win. Some of the bigger hogs could easily outweigh a wolf 5:1.
These creatures are what nightmares are made of and I wish I could say I was joking or being sarcastic.
Could a pack of wolves separate a hog from its pack and kill it? Sure. Not all hogs are hell-spawn. Regardless, we are also talking about mother nature’s true version of Medusa.
Lulz, I think I just found a collective noun for Republicans