I’d take a look at the workings of Scientology, invented by L. Ron Hubbard. Even long after the founder’s death, and his admission that it was a gigantic hoax, the cult kept going for a long time. I’d find it likely many in the GOP could invent a platform “in Donald Trump’s memory”.
The worries shift and become clearer once it’s made apparent that it’s a cult.
the gop cant win without TRUMP, or his endorsement.
I’d take a look at the workings of Scientology, invented by L. Ron Hubbard. Even long after the founder’s death, and his admission that it was a gigantic hoax, the cult kept going for a long time. I’d find it likely many in the GOP could invent a platform “in Donald Trump’s memory”.
The worries shift and become clearer once it’s made apparent that it’s a cult.