Diablo 4, Path of Exile, and the rest of the ARPG genre has competition in the mega-ambitious Last Epoch, built by its Reddit community and heading towards 1.0.

  • loobkoob@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    You’re welcome, of course! I’ll definitely see about refining it and finding somewhere to post it, that’s a good suggestion! It’s given me some ideas to discuss in a more broad essay about complexity, depth and accessibility, too.

    One criticism I’ll add that I didn’t mention in my above comment (because I ran out of characters and had to trim some stuff!) is the atmosphere of the game. It’s not bad, and some of the level design is really nice, but the game doesn’t have a strong tone, aesthetic or level of writing in the way Grim Dawn does, for example (although Grim Dawn is probably the peak as far as atmosphere and world-building in ARPGs goes, I think, so maybe that’s not a fair comparison). Last Epoch has some interesting ideas relating to time travel, and it’s pretty cool seeing some of the same areas in different eras (plus it’s a clever way for them to reuse assets, I imagine), but I’d say it’s weaker than other major ARPGs in the story/world-building/atmosphere department. Of course, most people tend to play ARPGs for the gameplay first and foremost, and LE does a great job with that, so it’s a more minor criticism from me than it would be in other genres of game.

    But yes, definitely look into it!