Guns don’t kill people. I do. I kill people. with guns.
But it’s real.
This animal needs to go.
Make him go, then. The world is watching. (Assuming you are American)
At this point I’m thinking the only thing that’s going to restore our image on the world stage is if we go full Londo when the Vorlons were moving in on Centauri Prime.
The destruction of the island of Selini was one of the greatest things Londo ever did as Emperor. I get the feeling, it’s also one of the only times he felt remorse at anything he had done, since he had to ask many Centauri to knowingly die to keep the illusion up. I’d like to believe that he gave Vir what Vir told Mr. Morden that he wanted from Mr. Morden as a form of penance.
*needs to be put down
Federal death penalty is still a thing and treason is a high felony.
Tesla tubby should be getting the rope for his crimes. With his assets nationalized as the apology for his disgusting behavior.
I was taught to have zero tolerance when it comes to Nazism. If you don’t deal with them, they’ll deal with you…
There is an unmarked ditch/grave for all the nazi soldiers and sympathizers from WWII near where I live. There is always room for more.
ZERO TOLERANCE, motherfuckers!
There is an unmarked ditch/grave for all the nazi soldiers and sympathizers from WWII near where I live. There is always room for more.
And so you piss and shit on their graves as much as possible right?
There is no knowing exactly where it is, because it’s unmarked (because fuck them). BUT I piss everywhere in that area just in case.
I too piss everywhere, just in case!
Good man!
Mussolini didn’t string himself up from the service station, the enraged masses did.
In the same vein, Musk didn’t make billions. Tesla workers did.
I like this reading.
I will also accept that maybe Elon is calling his right wing cultist followers dumb fucking sheep who will bend to their master’s will
Can we agree to this and not the Hitler thing ?
I feel like absent Hitler, they would not have self organized to put people in ovens. Whereas the workers would still have gone out and produced wealth (for another capitalist).
Ugh… Hitler was just the tip of a sick society. Does this mean every German at the time was guilty? No. Were they all innocent except him? No.
Does this still need to be debated outside of middle school? NO!
If he admires the man so much, why isn’t he following in his footsteps?
He should just skip to the last chapter
He is. Hitler didn’t start with exterminating huge swaths of people, or killing himself.
They mean that they want him to skip to that.
These CEOs always claim they can’t do good for workers, because they need to please the shareholders. So now that the CEO of Tesla is sinking the company, where are these supposed all powerful merciless shareholders at? If I was a shareholder of Tesla I’d demand felon’s head for doing all this damn to my investment.
You’d have to be very dense to be CEO and get political at all…
CEOs and politics go hand in hand. It’s the public broadcast that Elon can’t seem to curb that’s the problem.
There’s got to be tons of lawsuits right? Like all the people that have been fired and tons of people being affected negatively by musk probably have class action lawsuits and stuff?
It’s a meme stock, not an ‘investment’.
And now Musk has parlayed it, and his various pyramid scheme-like companies into replacing as much of the US government as he can get away with with his junk.
The US will suffer.
For a while I was holding on to sanity thinking “he’s an idiot and he’s just drawing attention to himself.” But now, to anyone that was still thinking “maybe he really is that clumsy, maybe he didn’t really mean it”, this is it. If you’re not getting it now you never will. He’s literally, in the literal sense of literally, a Nazi.
He’s doing the same shit Kayne was/is
He’s just a retard.
This sort of argument both minimises his accountability for his actions by blaming factors outside his control, and is incredibly insulting to the millions of people with actual mental disabilities who manage not to be racist assholes.
Elon is a Nazi, full stop.
I’ve known a number of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They’re often quite kind-hearted, loving people. Musk is not. You don’t need to insult them twice by comparing Musk to them, and using hateful terminology while you do it.
Maybe call Musk an asshole, a nazi, a shitass fucking fleck of rotten cumstain stuck to Trump’s taint instead.
Don’t forget “a cunt”. Sorry… I’m Australian and not calling Elon Musk a cunt feels wrong.
He’s definitely a Nazi cunt by Aussie definition. But lacking the warmth and depth, he fails to meet American criteria.
We don’t need to resort to ableism to hate a nazi.
In all my days, I’ve never seen a better comment that asked for a “no u.”
Those aren’t mutually exclusive.
Yes but also he’s a nazi
yeah, and he is not accidentally a nazi as is often implied.
I made this fortune through my own hard work!!!
Also, the company did some terrible stuff all on its own.
oh dear gods they’re preparing to implement the final solution jesus fucking christ it’s actually happening ._.
By that logic, billionaires didn’t create anything, the workers did it.
While using state capital too
This will do wonders for him in Germany.
Not. At this rate the German gov might start sanctioning his local company/factory.
Sadly, probably not. That would require some political courage instead of craven avarice and an obsessive aversion to change.
I know people need to eat and times are difficult, but I would have quit way before he said that. I still wonder why he has so many employees left.
Well because US is exactly shaped for the employee to be a modern slave: no social security net in case you are jobless so you have to get rolled over by the boss. Breaking point for most isn’t the morality of the company but when they are endangered or can’t provide for their families…
I know people need to eat
The rich?
food that won’t make them sick.
and the rich are most sickening indeed.
so it’s important to balance one’s diet after dining on roast billionaire.
We need living wages not prion disease.
Maybe just a nibble, as a treat.
Good point, don’t want to contract their parasitic infestation of pure fucking evil either…
Scout is about to open a large EV factory in Columbia SC, there a lot of job postings for those willing to move, housing cheaper too
One foot in germany and he wanders in jail. He doesnt have diplomatic imunitie <3
Sadly, I think his money buys him out of any jail time anywhere
Not this time. This is highly illegal in germany
He’s never been held accountable for anything in his life, but damn it
Is that so? How?
Took you guys over a decade to get here. Thank you for listening to me and mocking me and calling me a ludite because I hated Elon Musk and everything he represented. Also, visit Thunderfoot’s youtube channel, apologise and thank him for his activism.
You’re so right. You saw Elon for what he was when literally every other person on earth thought he was awesome until 2 months ago.
*Anthem plays
Thank you for your recognition of my keyboard warriorship service.
Who here exactly stood up for Elon musk? I came to Lemmy almost two years ago and I haven’t seen it here
you gotta be joking, thunderf00t is among the most unbearable, ignorant, most self-assured assholes going. he harassed random women for having opinions he disagreed with for years.
US american, right?
i’m european, i used to be a fan of thunderf00t too. but he became really really bad, he was an alt-right troll for awhile, and only really split from the rest of the pack because they didn’t agree with him about brexit.
he is a pathetic, ignorant, quote-mining bigot who should be completely forgotten. being right about elon musk is a stopped clock being right twice a day situation. there are plenty of other channels which did a far better job of pointing out elon’s grifts without also posting 3,000 videos about how anita sarkeezian is the anti-christ