That is coming down the pipeline. The seditionist in chief already talked about ‘illegal’ protests and consequences. Now that statement was meant to put fear into people like myself who have been protesting a lot this year and give police a reason to instigate violence and arrests for peaceful protests. The first amendment covers the right to peaceful assembly. The law is quickly losing any relevancy or providing any protection for average citizens.
As much as I agree that Winnie pooh is evil, and that we should never want to rely on any Chinese infrastructure or product,the US is currently speed running off a cliff towards something possibly worse than China.
and thats any worse than US tech because?
The US doesn’t throw your sorry ass in prison for calling the leader a bad name. Pull your gigantic head out from within your deep cavity.
*yet. Who knows what’s down the pike.
That is coming down the pipeline. The seditionist in chief already talked about ‘illegal’ protests and consequences. Now that statement was meant to put fear into people like myself who have been protesting a lot this year and give police a reason to instigate violence and arrests for peaceful protests. The first amendment covers the right to peaceful assembly. The law is quickly losing any relevancy or providing any protection for average citizens.
Try living through assholes like George Bush before comparing someone like Donny to Hitler. Lmao!
K done. Now what?
Also, I thought I was comparing him to Xi?
If conservatives could understand intellectual honesty that would have made him very upset.
To be fair; not yet.
As much as I agree that Winnie pooh is evil, and that we should never want to rely on any Chinese infrastructure or product,the US is currently speed running off a cliff towards something possibly worse than China.
Oh no, I mentioned China, so .ml weirdos come knocking
Who said it was worse? Why did you imply that?
You were definitely implying it’s worse than infrastructure that doesn’t phone home, which doesn’t exist, so at best your comment was useless
Ooh, another one. Do you have alerts set up anyone mentions China?