And the working class gets the shaft yet again

  • Munrock ☭
    1 year ago

    Western Democracy is when you give your little brother the unplugged console controller so he stops asking you for a turn. And he sits there like an idiot pressing the buttons thinking he’s in control.

    Sometimes he starts to get suspicious, so you tell him he needs to press the buttons harder. Then you look over at which buttons he’s straining himself on and follow along for a bit until he thinks he’s making a difference again (but never in a part of the game that actually matters of course).

    The difference is, with Western Democracy you’ve got a chorus of commentators sitting behind your brother telling him he’s in control, applauding or criticising accordingly, telling him he’s being silly when he gets suspicious, and moving hell and high water to keep him distracted when he starts following the controller cable to see where it really leads.