Synod was asked to bring in alternatives for Eucharist, but says believers can still take part without consuming both
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So the wafer and wine are irrelevant and this is merely theatre?
CoE doesn’t participate in the practice of transubstantiation as far as I know. It’s usually the more orthodox branches of the church.
I take it you’ve never been to a Catholic mass before? It’s ok if you haven’t, but to answer your question: yes, it’s all very theatrical. All of it. You really want to see a show, go to Easter or Christmas mass. It’s wild.
My “favorite” part of mass is how they beat their chests proclaiming that it’s their fault (for sin).
It’s really a cult.
As an ex catholic (now secular) you had me in the first half. I’ve never seen any chest beating though. That seems more of a Protestant thing to do.
Ok, beating was a bit hyperbolic. But I do remember people making the motion of fist to chest.
I imagine you might be thinking of making the sign of the cross. Basicly people touch their heads, their chest of their heart, then the left and right shoulders. All with the tips of two fingers.
Not in this case, no. I’m speaking of the Confiteor (I Confess).
…we will now repeat it three times while striking our breasts in a sign of repentance, saying: ‘Through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault’".
I wonder if this is an American catholic thing? Probably some European country has it (Ireland maybe?) but others don’t. I’m from a catholic country and never heard of people doing this.
Read the comments on that link. They are informative
You shouldn’t comment on things you clearly are not educated in.
For Roman Catholics this isn’t theater. They believe in transubstantiation so that really is the body and blood of Christ according to the faith.
Cults don’t have memberships that rival continents. There are more Christians on earth than there are Europeans.
Someone needs to look up the definition of cult. 🙄
Yeah 1/8 of the planet isn’t in a cult.
How many people do I need in my cult before it’s not a cult any longer?
There’s no exact number but when it’s counted in tens of millions I’d argue it’s not a cult so LDS isn’t a cult.
When it’s > 10% of the total population of earth then it’s silly to suggest they are a cult.
Anglicans do not believe in transubstantiation so the bread and wine are metaphorical and you shouldn’t feel obligated to take part.
Well this will be interesting; I know there are UK parishes that have had these options unofficially for years.