I didn’t even know that was a thing, but it checks out that a group whose most prominent figurehead included a slew of Jewish stereotypes in her children’s novel series would take issue with that.
The whole story is even wilder. Women’s March decided to change the logo bc one of their members felt it stuck too much to a cracker ideal of beauty where every woman is supposed to have a dainty little nose, then the terfs thought that was supposed to stand for trans inclusivity because they’re all misogynist, racist shitheads who think that large noses are caused exclusively by XY chromosomes, then somebody posted a pic of one of these terfs in profile and she looked exactly like the new sillhouette on the logo and then all the other terfs ganged up on her thinking she was a trans woman who had infiltrated their group.
I didn’t even know that was a thing, but it checks out that a group whose most prominent figurehead included a slew of Jewish stereotypes in her children’s novel series would take issue with that.
The whole story is even wilder. Women’s March decided to change the logo bc one of their members felt it stuck too much to a cracker ideal of beauty where every woman is supposed to have a dainty little nose, then the terfs thought that was supposed to stand for trans inclusivity because they’re all misogynist, racist shitheads who think that large noses are caused exclusively by XY chromosomes, then somebody posted a pic of one of these terfs in profile and she looked exactly like the new sillhouette on the logo and then all the other terfs ganged up on her thinking she was a trans woman who had infiltrated their group.
christ, their brainrot truly knows no bounds.