Updoots to the left
If I had a conservative father, I simply would not build him a cake
When my dad said racist shit, I would chastise him until he stopped
Now he doesn’t say racist shit
Stop respecting your parents people
Stop respecting your parents people
Sigma rule 419: when your parent does something bad, scold them back as they would’ve scolded you too.
Mine never stopped and I got tired of it.
Now I’m changing my last name. That family name is a stain on me.
Glad that worked. I chastise my racist parents and they just keep on trucking
Fitting that they used the version of the pride flag that omits trans and intersex people while baking a cake referencing harry potter.
Also the old version of the women’s march logo before they upset the terfs by daring to having the sillhouette of a woman with a prominent nose on it
I didn’t even know that was a thing, but it checks out that a group whose most prominent figurehead included a slew of Jewish stereotypes in her children’s novel series would take issue with that.
The whole story is even wilder. Women’s March decided to change the logo bc one of their members felt it stuck too much to a cracker ideal of beauty where every woman is supposed to have a dainty little nose, then the terfs thought that was supposed to stand for trans inclusivity because they’re all misogynist, racist shitheads who think that large noses are caused exclusively by XY chromosomes, then somebody posted a pic of one of these terfs in profile and she looked exactly like the new sillhouette on the logo and then all the other terfs ganged up on her thinking she was a trans woman who had infiltrated their group.
christ, their brainrot truly knows no bounds.
Lmao the Democrat Party crushed all of those movements
oh no it’s 2017 again
2008 never ended economically, 2016 never ended culturally.
We are cooked as a nation and sooner or later in the Trump presidency either Musk or Trump is going to dab.
I think this image might actually be from 2017
harry potter font
the quote is as well
How about a philosophical question? What’s the most bigoted cake that you would eat? Does the quality of the cake matter? If you had a sheet cake that was frosted white and all it had was the 14 words on it I’d probably pass and worry about how I ended up at the function.
If the cake was tiered like that, home made frosting crafted from real vanilla beans and it was warm and high quality, but it said “build the wall!” on it, are you tasting it? What if a Michelin star chef was being considered for the rank of master chef (or whatever) and then there was a 3cm^2 Tesla logo on the bottom? What’s your limit?
Stuffing my gob with fascist cake while shaking my head “no” so they know I disagree with them
This is actually strategic because by eating the fascist cake I am keeping it away from fascists
A guerrilla’s primary source of sweets is the enemy
(mouth full of cake): Nugh u ee? Om ooen prooxus! (No you see? I’m doing praxis!)
It’s reactionary not to eat the cake actually. The faster you eat the cake the faster you erase its message
The unlikely symbiosis of the chud and the leftist who both think they’re owning the other one.
Lmao for some reason the image of a sheet cake with the 14 words on it, with like no other context, is killing me.
I defend myself from this like i defend myself from all insidious cake attacks, by asking if it’s vegan.
going up to the nazi cake function and asking if there’s gluten in the sonnenrad pie
You just reminded me of how last year a university in California had students who held a birthday party for Hitler with a swastika cake.
the only thing funnier than having a prepared defense against insidious cake attacks is someone feeling thwarted by your insidious cake defense.
Dammit she’s good! But this isn’t over, L. I’ll get you to ingest hateful food if it’s the last thing I do!
Showing up at the function to find a life-sized recreation of George Floyd being murdered, rendered in cake. Everyone says that chocolate Floyd is delicious but the white almond officer cake is somehow both dry and a little undercooked.
Trying to be an ally (nervous): I agree, he’s very moist…
Someone suddenly looks thoughtful while they chew, “To be delicious, is to be defiant” they mutter, entranced. Others begin to join in, a chant is growing, “Delicious! Defiant!”
who invited you here? who’s party is this? what do they believe?!
The more bigoted the more likely i am to eat it tbh, since I’d want to erase it. However if it was kind of bigoted? I’m probably not going to eat it then. So what is the maximum amount of bigotry you can put into a cake before I will want to eat it again?
Getting into an argument with your SO because you don’t see the phrase they chose as “bigoted enough to erase with your stomach” vs “why did you try to bake a bigoted cake?”
if you eat the 14 words then you can stop others seeing it
"I wonder what future they’re trying to protect. These are mysterious and cryptic people.
There are more socially acceptable opportunities to eat a cake than to destroy a cake. Knock it on the floor and if it’s their home, grind the remains into the floor. If you really want eat some of the cake, you can knock down the cake with an open hand, eat that handful and then wipe your hand on their wall, curtains, or face.
But I dunno. If someone these days is making a problematic cake, I don’t trust them to cook with safe ingredients or techniques.
I saw a TV program as a kid where an evil bookshelf turned books into cakes, and whoever ate the cakes gained the books’ knowledge. So, logically, if you eat the fascist cake you gain its ideology (which I think is bad).
I’ll eat a goatse cake if need be. Cake is cake
they gonna serve crushed cheatos too, right?
Honestly that would kinda rule for a cake topping
Resist what
Resist reading another book
Ugly ass Harry Potter font. As a typography loving designer, that’s the ugliest R I’ve ever seen
How to condition your racist dad to yell slurs for free cake.
Thanks for the cake bozo.
God another 4 years of these #resist2017 bullshit post
let them bake cakes
I wish I got punished with free food every time I acted like a jackass
What do you know about that, this looks like 2018 liberal cringe because it is
You’re getting mad at an 7 year old picture
Edit: the cake appears to have been posted in April 2018