Have troops (or the DEA or whatever) violate Mexico’s sovereignty, cross the border, and target “the cartel assets” and due to incredibly imbecilic fuck ups - they destroy random villages and slaughter innocent people.
[When it comes to Canada - I don’t know what’s plausible]
And we are only on the 14th day of Trump’s presidency. If Netanyahu figures out the right things to say to Trump - the US could end up going to war with Iran because Trump is a delusional moron with little connection to reality.
we’re still in the line, watching promotional footage of the ride on the monitors. someone has farted, park security is randomly pulling people out of line for not seeming white enough, and some of us are talking about what to get for lunch.
We are in an insane timeline. Trump could…
And we are only on the 14th day of Trump’s presidency. If Netanyahu figures out the right things to say to Trump - the US could end up going to war with Iran because Trump is a delusional moron with little connection to reality.
It obviously would all be really bad, but you have to admit Trump knows how to give us a good new season of the USA. (Take notes, Biden)
I’ve never enjoyed roller coasters, frankly.
is America still going up the rickety ramp or has it already begun the full plummet
God, don’t even make me think about it.
we’re still in the line, watching promotional footage of the ride on the monitors. someone has farted, park security is randomly pulling people out of line for not seeming white enough, and some of us are talking about what to get for lunch.
We are going to have a Donnie Darko-style season finale and go back to the real timeline, where the bullet didn’t miss, right?
Why else would you be wearing that stupid bunny suit?
Jesus titty-yiffing Christ…
How did you know I was wearing a bunny suit?!