They had 4 years, and all it would have taken was not funding genocide in Palestine.
That’s how low the bar was.
Biden could have ended the Ukraine and Palestine wars anytime he wanted, but no, he had to appease the MIC and the Zionists. They could have even arrested/killed Trump. All they want is just play pretend and pretend they are different from the Republicans while demonizing and kicking out any Democrat politician that attempt to do something other than just sit around, post “progressive” things on social media while they vote to send Latinos and other minorities to Guantanamo Bay.
You know what frustration is? Frustration is asking a dem voter why they don’t transfer that energy they have to argue with anti-genocide protestors to the DNC instead; they’ll still argue with you all the way and they still won’t have that heat for the DNC. They would literally rather argue with millions and millions of people who still have a human soul than tell one ghoul to stop engaging in genocide.
Are Biden and Kamala legally required to participate in genocide? Are they robots programmed to do this? Why don’t you say something to them instead of people who want an end to genocide!
It’s because those liberals also support genocide and imperialism. They don’t criticize the DNC because the DNC is doing exactly what its constituents want. What they don’t want is to be viewed the same as republicans, who they think are uneducated rubes with “no class.”
They would rather act hostile towards leftists because leftists are fundamentally opposed to liberalism.
That, plenty of other things they could have said they were going to provide or fund that would have also gone down well.
The contradiction at the heart of the Democratic Party is that they have a donor base that wants them to just be the GOP, but more respectable and less religious fundamentalist; while the voter base wants them to actually do things like M4A, work to mitigate climate change, etc. They don’t have a “strategy” anymore because Kamala’s loss showed that the base really is starting to give up on them for not doing anything. But if the DNC were to actually pursue their votes by instead of throwing all your effort into parading Liz Cheney around to try and get conservative, white, suburban votes, then you alienate your donors.
I think they’re just counting on a major recession happening in the next four years (highly likely IMO) and riding that, and never trying to resolve that contradiction.
Careful with that last bit, they might try to hire you as a campaign strategist.
counting on a major recession happening
Honestly, it’s looking more and more like a depression rivaling the one that happened in the 1930s, complete with a dustbowl and reactionary coups all over the world.
How about we start with anti-genocide and then slowly work our way to some basic human values
Sorry, anti-genocide machine broke. How’s some student loan forgiveness for Pell grant recipients who’ve operated a business in a minority neighborhood for 4 years?
Opposing genocide? Best I can do is supporting the deportation of undocumented workers
But what about the LockheedMartin shareholders?!?!?!?!?! You want to lose their support?!?!?!?!?
But the working class LOVES genocide!1!1!1 why do you want to alienate the working CLASS!?!?!?
Most of them and a lot of bootlickers deny that a genocide is even taking place. I’ve seen libs use a picture of an 80 year old in jubilation as proof that “I’ve never seen a genocide where an 80 year old has that much energy”. These are deranged people
HOW the fuck you struggle to oppose trump? Can’t you even pretend you care about minorities and workers anymore?
“We don’t know how to oppose the Republicans when our platform is identical to theirs”
But opposing them would require work and we’re opposed to that
No wait they think this is the way to win Nancy here again asking for you to help fund the dnc again so we can really win this time
Teaching my pet parrot to squawk “orangman bad” in exchange for an Oyster Cracker so he can get a job as a DNC strategist
You might be the most successful yet
Big surprise, the passive right wing party can’t stand up to an aggressive right wing party
We tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!
They spent 8 years with a core strategy of “We’re Not Trump!”.
Literally, they can just do it again with every peice of legislation and political shenangans to frustrate the Repulican Party political project and they’d all be heroes whether they succedded or failed.
Instead, all we’re going to see from the highest ranks of Dem leadership is, “Welp, I guess we’ve got to give the R’s everything they want for 4 years. whomp whomp”
They don’t know how to oppose trump because they agree with all of his policies. At best they might want ICE to target people who aren’t working on farms so they can keep the farms running on cheap labour
NYT prestige reporting, just filling a page with what we already know.
I been saying this shit for years
Actually, they are competent and this is exactly what they are suppose to do
I’m glad the democrats are finally wrestling with this instead of continuing to pretend that nothing is wrong. I’m not expecting them to actually improve, though.