
    2 months ago

    Your valid points are greeted with transient goalposts and originally misrepresented ideas, unintentionally of course.

    My favorite tactic is when they ask you a question, and then repeat a snarky response, loudly, as you try to answer. But if you get angry for having your buttons pushed, you’re the problem.

    What would have been discussions in a bygone era have now become dunk-a-thons. Ideas and opinions are no longer meant to be shared and debated for the betterment of all, but to be wielded to discredit and shame. Empathy and concern have been replaced by rage and confusion, an environment where no learning can ever take place.

    From what I’ve noticed, even if the opposition has a valid point, it’s buried under so much aggresion that the average person refuses to concede a point for three reasons:

    (1) They know the opposition will not concede anything in return, because how could they possibly be wrong? Your opinion is wrong simply for not being theirs, and you aren’t worthy of respect for it. They will forever have a point on the board, and you will never have one, so why give them the satisfaction?

    (2) They don’t want to admit to the opposition being right in any regard due to not wanting to overinflate their already stretched ego

    (3) The point you concede will be used against you, out of context, repeatedly, as a dig.

    Something, something, pigeons playing chess. It’s better not to engage. They’re all trolls.