Thanks to the awesome Admins for providing the service and for keeping us up to date! That said, oh shit do I have a problem. I was refreshing the site way too often for it to be comfortable. Go give your thanks to the Admins at Quartks!
I have a problem now. Oh god. That being said it did lead me to make a Mastodon account, so things aren’t too bad! Follow me over there if you want to random lukewarm takes, no consistent amount of posting, and a bunch of nonsensical crap.
Also, this is the first meme that i’ve posted that I’ve also made. Now you see why I don’t make the other memes posted lol
Sounds good! It’s definitely been a while since I watched that episode. We are currently re-watching TNG and I really don’t feel like taking a break from that to watch DSC lol. No offence, Dr Stamets 😅
I never got my Doctorate, don’t worry about that. Stamets is fine. That’s what they, and my husband, scream at me during a red alert anyway.
And, supposedly, behind the glass while they’re mourning their best friend.
(I might be remembering this wrong)
Don’t remember that off hand. There was a bit in season 1 where he was in the reaction cube and “died” in the coma. Tilly was talking to him but no yelling that I remember. Culber did yell, I think, during the 100+ jumps that Lorca had him do at the battle over Pahvo. Then again my memory is faulty as all hell so decent chance I could have forgotten it too. Do you remember anything else?
I was just talking about the bit in Wrath of Khan lol, pay me no mind
Man, my brain has been running on lower power all day lol sorry
So I saw the chunks (from two different episodes) that have conversation about the Terran Empire.
In S3E5 (Die Trying), Georgiou and Dr Kovich are having a conversation and Kovich says “Unlike the Terran Empire which collapsed centuries ago. Were you aware that the distance between our two universes started expanding something after your departure? There hasn’t been a single crossing in over 500 years. You didn’t know that did you? You’re all alone now.”
In S3E9 (Terra Firma Part 1) the episode opens with a conversation between Kovich and Culber, talking about her symptoms. Kovich then talks about how LtCmdr Yor had come across from another alternate universe, the one from the Kelvin timeline movies, and forward. That fucked him up. He says that every molecule fights to either go back in time or jump a cosmic divide. Then “900 years have passed. The Prime and Mirror universes have been drifting apart the whole time.”
There’s nothing else that I saw about it. That being said, the conclusion you came to does make sense and I see how you got there.
Thanks for following up! That is really interesting
Hey, I said I would, didn’t I?
You’re the best!
Nope! There are far better. Including you <3