Thank you Mr. President, the master will be pleased. soros

  • newacctidk [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Honestly Romney was to Biden’s left on segregation. He was certainly an opportunist and did shit like not marching in Detroit with MLK because “it was a Sunday” but then showing up the next saturday to march and subsequently claiming he was there the entire time. But Romney had this weird third positionist stance which served him really well. The GOP disliked him, seeing him as another Eisenhower, someone very much opposed to the Birchers and Goldwater, though the whole “walked out of the convention” this is a total lie one mostly spun by Mitt.

    After Cleveland, Romney distanced himself from the stop-Goldwater faction as they endorsed Scranton and promoted party-platform amendments to support civil rights and denounce extremism. Romney instead declared his neutrality and developed his own pro-civil rights and anti-extremism platform amendments. He portrayed himself as a broker, not a member of a moderate faction. “In some things I’m more conservative than Barry Goldwater,” Romney said. (“He did not elaborate,” the Detroit News retorted.) Gerald Ford, then a Michigan congressman rising in prominence, set up a meeting for Romney with Republican leaders in Washington to lobby for his planks, and Romney incorporated their input. He accommodated conservatives by not specifically naming the John Birch Society in the anti-extremism plank because “I am unwilling to condemn anyone on a group basis” — news to his Bircher foe Richard Durant. He also backed off an effort to label the civil rights bill “constitutional.” He was being a team player, open to suggestion, unlike the stop-Goldwater clique.

    Of course, Romney might simply have been positioning himself as the neutral alternative if the convention deadlocked between Goldwater and Scranton and moved to draft someone else. Romney announced he was running for reelection as Michigan’s governor in May, yet waited until the very last day of the deadline to file his petition signatures — four days after the July national convention.

    This quote sums him up so well

    “Romney perplexes his less-principled observers, for no one is ever exactly sure what his principles will tell him to do.”

    Honestly similar to Biden