They will almost certainly ask them questions about biases regarding health insurance during jury selection and somehow manage to find 12 law-loving, boot-licking people who’ve never been screwed over by insurance, don’t have any negative feelings towards insurance companies because of someone they know being screwed over. I mean it would really be as simple as finding a dozen retired boomers who held union jobs with good benefits all their lives, are retired on cushy amounts of retirement funds, and are absolutely law and order freaks.
that would suggest the rich people are feeling terrorised rn
silver linings i guess
well i hope the jury have been fucked over by health insurance
They will almost certainly ask them questions about biases regarding health insurance during jury selection and somehow manage to find 12 law-loving, boot-licking people who’ve never been screwed over by insurance, don’t have any negative feelings towards insurance companies because of someone they know being screwed over. I mean it would really be as simple as finding a dozen retired boomers who held union jobs with good benefits all their lives, are retired on cushy amounts of retirement funds, and are absolutely law and order freaks.
Defense attorney would have to be the worst of all time to somehow not be able to get one person fucked over by health insurance on a full panel.