A 17-year-old is shot dead near Paris in broad daylight after failing to obey traffic police.

    • PabloDiscobar@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I’ve seen this message by the dozen on lemmy, kbin is not some kind of immune territory. They will jump at every opportunity to spread their ideology here.

      And no, not all cops are bad. France is not the USA.

      • Unaware7013@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        And yet here you have a French cop going full 'Murica on a teen during a traffic stop because he may have felt threatened. A bastard is a bastard, no matter the country of origin. Doubly so when they weild the power to enforce the will of the state, because they abuse that power as seen here.

        Also, your whataboutism with Chinese or Russian cops is asinine, because worse cops elsewhere doesn’t excuse shitty cops in “better” countries.

        • PabloDiscobar@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Like it or not France is not the USA. I know many people enjoy this narrative but it’s simply false. No, all cops are not bad. “Radio Moscow” needs to shut up.

          RT.com was specialized into filming the protests in France. Have you ever seen RT reporting on violences in Russia? RT was forbidden to operate in the EU.

          What, you think that Uncle Putin just stopped operating in the french media? Are you naive?? It’s the job of Russia to push this narrative, they had employees which it was the job for years. When you sing the ACAB song you are following their lead.

          You cannot just come to kbin, sing the ACAB song and go unchecked, this is not lemmy here.

          • Unaware7013@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Like it or not France is not the USA.

            I’m sure the teens parent takes immense solace knowing that the French cops who murdered their son aren’t American cops.

            No, all cops are not bad. “Radio Moscow” needs to shut up.

            Policing as an industry is bad, and the people who participate in it willingly are bad due to supporting the system that won’t only destroys and ends lives. That’s not propaganda, that’s reading the news and coming to a simple conclusion. I’m not even going to respond to your RT non-sequitur.

            What, you think that Uncle Putin just stopped operating in the french media? Are you naive??

            LOL, amazing you have the gall to accuse others of falling for propaganda while also attributing the ACAB sentiment to Russian propaganda instead of people watching the damned news. Or is this civilian video also Russian propaganda? Are the propagandists under your bed right now???

            When you sing the ACAB song you are following their lead. You cannot just come to kbin, sing the ACAB song and go unchecked, this is not lemmy here.

            Goddamn, I thought we left the authoritarian bootlickers on Lemmy/reddit.

            Read the news or open a damned history book friend…

          • exohuman@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Yes the propaganda machine is in force. Realizing that, this kid must not really be dead, right? After all, the cops aren’t bastards and would not hold a gun point blank to a drivers face and then shoot, right?

            • PabloDiscobar@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              A ce jour, Bastamag compte 746 décès à la suite d’une intervention des forces de l’ordre depuis 44 ans. Soit une moyenne de 17 décès par an. Sur les cinq dernières années, le média compte 28 décès en 2020, 2019, et 2018 ; 36 en 2017 et 24 en 2016.

              in France, 746 deaths by police, including car accidents, in the span of 44 years.

              For information so far in the USA and for the year 2023 the police have killed 527 people. So roughly by the end of the year the US police will have killed more than the French police in 44 years. I let you adjust by population etc…

              France is not the USA.

              Do not project the American problems into Europe.

              Yes the propaganda machine is in force. Realizing that, this kid must not really be dead, right? After all, the cops aren’t bastards and would not hold a gun point blank to a drivers face and then shoot, right?

              No, “the cops aren’t bastards”. That’s my only point, I made no other, specially about the events, only the claim about the cops made by tenet, an anarchist probably. For the rest about how things happened it’s up to the justice to do the job.

              France is not the USA and no, all cops are not bad. It’s not the first time that we see people trying to import foreign problems into Europe, it’s probably not the last…

              You don’t have the excuse of “reddit is an american” site anymore. Think global, it’s not always about the USA.

          • FfaerieOxide@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            You cannot just come to kbin, sing the ACAB song and go

            Can I say “fuck the police” and stay?

            Would that be alright?
            Under what circumstances would you assent to my expressing displeasure at armed gang members stealing from the populace and committing murder in defense of an oppressive class system?

            Can I say, “the pigs can kick rocks!” or is that still too spicy for you?

            • PabloDiscobar@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              tenet, 1 hour ago

              You are one butthurt fucking cop, you know that?
              Fuck off and try not to beat your wife, bitch.

              Cop “Don’t Beat Your Wife” Challenge: IMPOSSIBLE

              Yes, all fucking cops are bad otherwise they’d have a REAL job.

              Shut your fucking mouth.

              I’m glad that we had this discussion, really. Now we know better who stands where.

              I told you hours ago, let him answer himself:

              PabloDiscobar, 7 hours ago

              Let him answer, he is a 7 hours old account who is shouting “all cops are bad” at the young people. I want his version.

              He did not disappoint. This is the kind of person who spent too much time getting hyped up on lemmy and who is released on kbin.

      • ThankYouVeryMuch@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I’ve seen cops doing most of the shit you’ve seen American cops do on the internet, in real life, in Europe. Haven’t seen any shoot out but that’s because they don’t need to, no one here has a gun. But recording cops is illegal over here, in other places you only can record them if they are engaging you and you can’t share the clip. The situation may be a bit worse over there because with so many guns perhaps the cops are more wary, but you see so many videos because their freedom of speech is more protected than ours.
        Russia and China are not the only ones with very well oiled propaganda machines