Anti-tailgating artillery but it’s installed backwards.
Looks like it would be useful wherever they are.
Or the canon is extremely cross with being moved
Is this self propelled artillery, towed artillery, a technical, or an immobilizer system?
It’s a towed technical.
That’s maybe a better question.
What kind of idiot points his cannon at this own vehicle? It should be facing the rear
Is a Volvo with a cannon on a trailer considered a technical?
I’m going to say yes. Not a very good one, though.
The Toyota Hilux just happens to be awesome and distributed in the places where you need a technical. Any civilian vehicle with a large gun mounted aftermarket still counts.
Any civilian vehicle with a large gun mounted aftermarket still counts.
I’m going to take the technical-market with storm with my bicycle+ak combo
Does not count as large, by my definition. It has to be something that’s too big to fire effectively non-mounted.
If it was some sort of really heavy-duty motorbike that self-balanced, you could make that into a technical, I guess. This was a whole thing on Reddit wasn’t it?
Fair enough. What’s the smallest firearm you would accept to clear the bar?
Personally? A GAU-8. Why settle for less?
Probably an M240 or similar. The point of a technical is to provide a permanent, portable mount to fire from.
The vehicle also still has to work effectively as a vehicle, so no 3" naval guns with a unicycle welded onto the bottom, either.
Germans in WWII had bicycle troopers. I think they’re light mechnized cavalry.
Not only Germans but all sides. They were used as scout units and for delivery.
I’m going to say yes. Not a very good one, though.
Is there a c/shittytechnicals on Lemmy?
There should be. I saw a pic on Facebook the other day of a dually with a mounted machine gun in Texas.
That’s a pickup with doubled-up wheels in the back, if like me you didn’t know.
Yup, meant for towing very large, heavy trailers, not for anything remotely near a battle in sloppy conditions.
Interesting! What do they end up doing on rough roads?
I mean, they CAN go on rough roads. They’re just not made for it. And certainly not OFF road, like you would expect a technical to do.
If it and its crew are hired by an NGO, yes.
Calling that poor Foz a Volvo is offensive.
In my defense, it looked like a Volvo yesterday
Sorry, that sounds non credible to me
Needs a “come and take it” flag
Changing a trailer hitch isn’t that hard.
…that’s hilarious.
It would also be hilarious on a nerf gun.
Crips and Bloods are fighting by lines of sight now.
It now takes five minutes to do a drive-by.
“Oh shit! They’re shooting at us!”
“It’s cool. There’s only two of them so it’s going to take them at least thirty seconds to reload.”
This looks like a 6 pound field canon. Probably used by reenactors or at ren fairs.
Reverse single pulse detonation engine
Kinda looks like a flak gun coming out the back. What’s the interior diameter of the barrel?
one of these, i think? at least handles match. but carriage is different (source: 2min search)