A case before the Supreme Court of Canada could determine the constitutionality of the country’s prostitution law and statutes that criminalize third parties who benefit financially from the sex trade.
Sex work is work and sex workers deserve to be able to ply their trade in an environment that’s safe for the workers and the customers.
It’s going to fucking happen regardless of puritanical laws so we might as well make it legal so we can prevent human trafficking and underage prostitution while making sure that workers are receiving fair compensation so that they aren’t trapped in an endless cycle of desperation.
Sex work is work and sex workers deserve to be able to ply their trade in an environment that’s safe for the workers and the customers.
It’s going to fucking happen regardless of puritanical laws so we might as well make it legal so we can prevent human trafficking and underage prostitution while making sure that workers are receiving fair compensation so that they aren’t trapped in an endless cycle of desperation.