• qprimed@lemmy.ml
        1 month ago

        the past 8 years has realigned my view of the american electorate. policy and leadership are now inseparable from politics and politicians. public exposure to anything non-culture war related is pretty carefully managed and curated.

        so I say “scaramucchi is an asshole but for 30 seconds he’s our asshole” and, as a known quantity, can be jettisoned pretty painlesslely.

        and my reasoning… apparently there is limited downside and some upside to this stupid, juvenile “owning” your opponent bs. it sucks the oxygen out of any gathering where the IQ is sub-room temperature - and the irony of a little political asphyxiation for trump is quite delicious.

        we need to continue skating to where the puck will be and I don’t see the current electorate changing trajectory until after the 2026 mid-terms at the earliest.

        edit: ok, I enjoy a good juvenile roast as well, but would like some policy with my persnickety, please.