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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/aryndoesnotlikeit on 2023-08-24 03:46:40.

My (32F) boyfriend (34M) of 2.5 years treats his laptop horribly. When he gets frustrated at an email he’ll slam it shut (hard), he’s thrown it across the room, it has countless dents, and now barely works.

I have a laptop I myself could not afford, my mother got it for me as a birthday gift. I was over the moon grateful. I’m a college student so it has function, as well as sentimental value.

I told my boyfriend he isn’t to use my computer as I see how he treats his. He told me he treats his like that because “it’s an old piece of crap” and he wouldn’t do it to mine. He said it’s a “family computer” and of course he wouldn’t throw it. I stood by what I said and he got angry at me and started acting unreasonably.


TLDR My (32F) boyfriend (34M) got angry at me after I said he couldn’t use my computer anymore after he routinely throws his around the room

(Reposted because the first got auto deleted)