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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/ChromaticDoodle on 2023-08-23 23:44:33.

Hey Reddit, I need some perspective on a tough situation I’m currently facing. I recently updated my will and decided not to include my stepchild as a beneficiary. Now, I’m questioning whether I might be the asshole in this scenario. Let me provide some context.

I married my current spouse a few years ago, and she had a child from a previous relationship. I also have my own biological children from a previous marriage. Since my spouse and I got married, I have treated my stepchild as my own and have been financially supportive of them. However, I have always made it clear that my biological children will be the primary beneficiaries of my estate.

Now, the reason for my decision is that I want to ensure that my biological children are taken care of and receive their fair share. I have built my wealth thanks to them, because my biological children have been a part of my life for longer and have a closer bond with me. I feel that it is fair to prioritize them in my will.

However, my spouse and some family members are questioning my decision. They believe that I should include my stepchild in my will to ensure equal treatment and avoid any potential conflicts or resentments in the future. They argue that excluding my stepchild could create division within the family and make my stepchild feel excluded and hurt. They argue that as their stepparent, I have a responsibility to treat them equally and provide for them just as I would for my biological children.

I understand their perspective and the potential negative impact my decision could have on my stepchild. However, I believe that it’s my right and responsibility as the parent to make decisions about my estate that prioritize the well-being and future of my biological children. Additionally, I have discussed my decision with my spouse and explained my reasons behind it. They initially understood and respected my choice, but as the topic has been brought up with other family members, they started to question and doubt my decision as well. This has caused some tension and disagreements within our family.

So, am I the asshole for excluding my stepchild from my will?