There was some sort of problem which caused the touch sensors to just go haywire. It was years ago now. The phone didn’t last terribly long for me.
It started bugging out in, initially, unpredictable ways. It would open and close apps almost at random, as well as interact with them, but only while or right after you were touching the screen. Sometimes it would freeze. Of course I restored the thing to factory settings, but it didn’t make a difference. It was unusable.
I don’t think there’s a single correct size for a phone. Different people want different things; many want huge phones with screens over 7" while some of us think the Pixel 4a is too big.
My phone got an update on July 18. LineageOS is great.
The 4000 mAh battery is probably a contributing factor. I’d probably buy this with a smaller battery, assuming the bootloader is easily unlockable.
Wait… there’s no headphone jack? Alright, keeping my Pixel 4a for another year.
Pixel 4a gang checking in. We should create a club!
I wish mine hadn’t died on me a couple years ago. The newer a models are so much bigger.
What killed it?
There was some sort of problem which caused the touch sensors to just go haywire. It was years ago now. The phone didn’t last terribly long for me.
It started bugging out in, initially, unpredictable ways. It would open and close apps almost at random, as well as interact with them, but only while or right after you were touching the screen. Sometimes it would freeze. Of course I restored the thing to factory settings, but it didn’t make a difference. It was unusable.
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That’s only “tiny” because phones today are huge. The Pixel 4a, which passes for small today at 144x69mm has a 3140 mAh battery.
The Jelly Max is 129x63mm, smaller than the iPhone 12 Mini’s 132x64mm. That phone has a 2227 mAh battery.
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deleted by creator
I don’t think there’s a single correct size for a phone. Different people want different things; many want huge phones with screens over 7" while some of us think the Pixel 4a is too big.
My phone got an update on July 18. LineageOS is great.
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