What exactly are the criteria that are commonly checked/verified during a background check of potential employees? Do verifying agencies/HR review social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc as well as forum profiles that applicants have on Reddit, Saidit, Lemmy etc?

  • Zonetrooper@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    In some circumstances, I have heard of employers asking prospective employees to expose their social media accounts during the hiring process.

    In most cases, this seems to be just a formality check of “Is this person exposing their previous company’s info / making threatening statements / generally being an asshole of some kind?” or, in one case, to determine if someone was an anti-vax/anti-science type before they started a medical position.

    This wasn’t done by an “agency”, though, and they really didn’t look that deeply. In some cases it seems to come with a wink-wink, nudge-nudge “So these are tooootally all your accounts, riiiight?”