Today, I wanted to have another go with nix. Previously I just read about it and didn’t do anything for a couple of months. Now, I installed nix package manager with very few lines of code and two more to install many packages as described in his post. Installation was very fast on my banana laptop. Until now I used distrobox but I always wondered which distro/ package manager to use. What’s your experience with it? For now, I’ll test it. It’s super easy to use. It may not be straight forward to a linux newcomer but if you know what you want, e.g. ffmpeg you can just add it with home-manager edit and install it with home-manager switch. So far, I love it!

    3 months ago

    My experience is that nix package configs are tested on NixOS. I used it on other OSes, and I easily encountered misconfigurations and such. The problem is that they are understaffed.

    I ended up combining a few package managers due to this, but I’d have preferred to use another manager solely.