• bc93@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    There are two main factors that are important for screen resolution - screen size and view distance. If you have a small TV and watch it from a regular viewing distance, it’s pretty unlikely that you could tell the difference between 720p and 1080p, but if you have a large TV and you sit relatively close then the difference will be obvious.

    Similarly for audio - if you listen to sound with good quality headphones then you can hear it better, and there’s definitely a factor of frequency response that some humans have better than others, but that’s not really a big factor. Even if you have great hearing and you can hear frequencies as high as 22khz (which is extremely rare), then it’s not like you’ll get a lot of extra pleasure out of music just because you can hear a couple extra extremely high pitch sounds which others can’t. And even if you can hear 22khz, then CD audio can still replicate that. I don’t believe that anyone has ever been able to hear 48KHz, let alone 96KHz.

    There are people who can tell the difference between 128kbps MP3 and CD audio, but I do not believe there is anyone who can tell the difference between CD audio and 192KHz hi-res audio.

    (BTW, you should probably be able to tell the difference between 60Hz and 120Hz on a computer from using the menues and moving windows around, etc. - if you can’t, it’s likely that your computer isn’t configured correctly. Just to let you know!)