If they don’t, there will be a heavy economic downturn. Whether you agree with student loans or not, the sudden return of monthly charges will be too much for millions of students to handle as they have already budgeted themselves based on student loan forgiveness and the student loan vacation. Defaults will certainly rise. Luxury purchases will go down. It will be an ugly winter.
It really shows how student debt is a shackle on an entire generation. I know most people are struggle without having to pay their monthly charges. With this long without any payments it really shows this amount of debt can be forgave without any real consequences.
If they don’t, there will be a heavy economic downturn. Whether you agree with student loans or not, the sudden return of monthly charges will be too much for millions of students to handle as they have already budgeted themselves based on student loan forgiveness and the student loan vacation. Defaults will certainly rise. Luxury purchases will go down. It will be an ugly winter.
It really shows how student debt is a shackle on an entire generation. I know most people are struggle without having to pay their monthly charges. With this long without any payments it really shows this amount of debt can be forgave without any real consequences.