Here you can see 2 day old post warning about the danger of not using email/captcha verification:

And here are stats of lemmy platform where it shows that we gained 200 000 lemmy users in 2 days:

Another tracking site with the same explosion in users:

What do you think? Is it some sort of a bug or do people run bot farms?

Edit2: It’s been now 3 days and we went from 150 000 user accounts 3 days ago to 700 000 user accounts today making it 550 000+ bot accounts and counting. Almost 80% accounts on lemmy are now bots and it may end up being an very serious issue for lemmy platform once they become active.

Edit3: It’s now 4th day of the attack and the amount of accounts on lemmy has almost reached 1 200 000. Almost 90% of total userbase are now bots.

Edit 3.1: my numbers are outdated, there are currently 1 700 000 accounts which makes it even worse:

    2 years ago

    The other day when I was filtering by all my front page for absolutely FLOODED with posts that were more or less the same and we’re instantaneous across multiple communities. Not sure if they were all removed or blocked relatively quickly but I had to disable the all filter because it was so many I couldn’t click anything with how fast it auto refreshes.

    So they’re definitely on here doing shit. Not to be a doomsayer, but with Meta wanting to take over the fediverse, don’t be surprised if part of their strategy is to flood other instances with bots to the point that they’re unusable. Sure it will get patched eventually but they know how to take over competing platforms. They’re already working on their next tactic for when the bot brigade that stops being effective.

    • Bilb!A
      2 years ago

      This is tangentially related, but I just had a burst of bot sign-ups. Captcha did nothing by itself, so applications are back on.