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My local library built the seed library!
The local Master Gardeners provided a lot of the intitial seeds (oh my gosh we are stocked!!!). They used an old card catalogue to store them. Today's the kickoff!
The idea is you "check out seeds" from the library, plant/grow/harvest, let some go to seed, then "return the seeds" back to the library!
Free seeds for everyone!
#solarPunk #postScarcity #gardening #mutualAid #seedLibrary
Not really, and has explained above why saving seeds can be technically quite challenging even for advanced gardeners. However there is another side to this - it is good that people consider saving seeds again, and learn how to. Because a lot of regionally adapted (easy to grow in certain places) varieties got lost when people stopped saving seeds and companies started doing it instead.
I think you make a great point about not having regional seed suppliers. This is a deep problem that globalism has created, in that we just don’t have reliable local seed suppliers and most of our seed is coming from a very small number of sources.
We had this issue going into and throughout the pandemic, where luckily we had hundreds of surplus seed packets because we are dorky hardcore Gardner’s, and we were able to supply our community. However seed quickly ran out from both big box and online retailers. Likewise most people don’t consider what makes calories happen from what’s fun to grow. Like good luck powering yourself for a day on tomatoes. Y’all mother fuckers need beans.
Also, a follow on issue that the pandemic exacerbated that were only out of now, is that workers for the pollination green houses became in short supply. We only really came out of that in the 23 season. Need people for manual pollinated varieties. No people no pollination. Like not an issue now but def a consideration.
Not really, and has explained above why saving seeds can be technically quite challenging even for advanced gardeners. However there is another side to this - it is good that people consider saving seeds again, and learn how to. Because a lot of regionally adapted (easy to grow in certain places) varieties got lost when people stopped saving seeds and companies started doing it instead.
I think you make a great point about not having regional seed suppliers. This is a deep problem that globalism has created, in that we just don’t have reliable local seed suppliers and most of our seed is coming from a very small number of sources.
We had this issue going into and throughout the pandemic, where luckily we had hundreds of surplus seed packets because we are dorky hardcore Gardner’s, and we were able to supply our community. However seed quickly ran out from both big box and online retailers. Likewise most people don’t consider what makes calories happen from what’s fun to grow. Like good luck powering yourself for a day on tomatoes. Y’all mother fuckers need beans.
Also, a follow on issue that the pandemic exacerbated that were only out of now, is that workers for the pollination green houses became in short supply. We only really came out of that in the 23 season. Need people for manual pollinated varieties. No people no pollination. Like not an issue now but def a consideration.