In this episode of Land of the Giants: The Tesla Shock Wave, Tesla’s share of the EV market is dwindling as more automakers pile into the space. How does the competition stack up?

Despite the clickbaity title, it’s worth a discussion. Can Tesla separate itself from its CEO and remain viable when other automakers ramp up their EV production?


This piece does not include any mention of the more recent news that automakers have an agreement to use the Tesla charging interface as the industry standard.

    1 year ago

    Can Tesla separate itself from its CEO and remain viable when other automakers ramp up their EV production?

    I don’t think so. Or maybe I should say, “I hope not.” I hope other EV makers overtake Tesla.

    It’s surprising to me that I feel this way. I used to be a huge Tesla fanboy. I drive a Tesla.

    But I can’t separate Musk’s actions from his brands. His own name was really the brand, and he has destroyed his personal name brand with his nonsense.

    I’m hoping that a non-Tesla EV at a reasonable price comes along. With the auto steering ability of the Tesla. That would be the hardest to give up.