Faith without morality or theology, much less that “soyboy” Jesus? Sign MAGA Republicans up!

Earlier this week, Donald Trump unveiled his newest grift to squeeze money out of his cult followers: Trump-branded Bibles. Claiming the book contains the “King James version” and “also includes the Founding Father [sic] documents,” Trump promised “you have to have it for your heart, for your soul.” The screenshots of the video are funny by themselves, but I highly recommend watching the ad Trump cut for these Bibles. Trump radiates total contempt for Christianity.

This is Trump in his angry-bored mode, letting viewers know with his listless tone and posture that he thinks all this Bible stuff is dumb. The not-at-all subtle message of the video is that Trump doesn’t believe any of this faith-in-God crap, but he definitely believes in using Christian identity as a weapon to make money and dominate his foes.

Many Trump opponents on social media replied with video clips underscoring how Trump may be the single most ignorant person in the country about the contents of the Bible.

    6 months ago

    Came in to ask, “Is it kjv? Is it kjv? I bet it’s kjv.” Didn’t even have to ask, of course it is.

    But it includes the constitution? In a sense that’s almost too on the nose - if you’re familiar with fundamentalist hermenuetics, then the parallels between their exegetical methods, and the constitutional interpretation methods of conservatives is too clearly identical to be accidental.

    There are likely some Christians - even fascist ones, maybe particularly them - who likely find this offensive because they interpret it as an attempt to “add to the Word of God.” The freaky thing is there is a nonzero chance that some Christians might actually see this as an “inspired” event, and embrace these added documents as being canonical parts of the Bible. Just as Trump is doing a fantastic job of cleaving the republican party in two, could we be witnessing what could turn out to be another major schism within the Christian sects?

    Aside, this quote from the article doesn’t seem entirely accurate to me. While it is true that there are likely a lot of conservative Christians that this portrays, it should also be known that some of the most passionate and dedicated fascists view the Bible as the only actually legitimate law, and most definitely study it as dutifully as a trained lawyer:

    “Not that it matters, of course. The pages of Trump’s “Bible” could all be blank, and there’s a good chance no one would ever know it. In the right-wing publishing industry, books are not made to be read. They are to be displayed on your shelves, unopened, so you can glance at them and feel that somewhere, a liberal is “owned.””