Nations go to war over the ideologies, religions, racism, social classes or economic policies. Trump represents nothing other than his own grievance

    1 year ago

    The Troubles are now a century old. They are about religion and imperialism, not one guy who with a crappy spray-tan.

    There may be all of the different kinds of violence you mentioned.

    I have encountered a few bugaloos here and there, and this is what I tell them:

    1. Don’t call yourself patriots because patriots don’t take up arms against their own country.
    2. I hope you want stricter gun control because you yahoos taking up arms against your country is going to make that a very popular choice after you start shooting your own countrymen.
    3. I hope you like ketchup because the military is going to turn you into a fine red paste.

    It won’t take them very long to realize what the rest of us know: that they are not a majority of Americans.
    That kind of instability is going to make rich people lose money from other countries investing in countries that don’t have a bunch of asshats trying to have a civil war, and THAT is when every resource available to the state will brought to bear on this problematic uprising.