Nations go to war over the ideologies, religions, racism, social classes or economic policies. Trump represents nothing other than his own grievance

    1 year ago

    We are much more likely to experience something like The Troubles than to have an outright civil war. Bombings, shootings, attacks on infrastructure.

      1 year ago

      The Troubles are now a century old. They are about religion and imperialism, not one guy who with a crappy spray-tan.

      There may be all of the different kinds of violence you mentioned.

      I have encountered a few bugaloos here and there, and this is what I tell them:

      1. Don’t call yourself patriots because patriots don’t take up arms against their own country.
      2. I hope you want stricter gun control because you yahoos taking up arms against your country is going to make that a very popular choice after you start shooting your own countrymen.
      3. I hope you like ketchup because the military is going to turn you into a fine red paste.

      It won’t take them very long to realize what the rest of us know: that they are not a majority of Americans.
      That kind of instability is going to make rich people lose money from other countries investing in countries that don’t have a bunch of asshats trying to have a civil war, and THAT is when every resource available to the state will brought to bear on this problematic uprising.

    1 year ago

    Any violence over it probably wasn’t going to be a civil war thing though. If there is going to be anything it will probably be more like riots or smaller groups doing terrorist things.

    And if there is a new civil war over this or something else it would probably look more like the troubles than anything else. To get something like the civil war 1.0 you’d have to see local governments and state governments trying to break off. Such actions seem to be in the “fuck around” category of things. That would probably just turn into a troubles like situation after the “find out” phase.

    1 year ago

    IMHO their window, albeit small, was 1/6… after that they saw how those people were treated by the elite instigators…

    They were called antifa by the people who riled them up, or fake trump supporters, they are still getting arrested, one got shot, some went to jail… no pardons in site… Lot of people still support this guy, but few will go to bat for him anymore.