I was at a small company for 7 years working 50-60 hours weeks. I left for a large company where I work 40…at most. Usually I get my stuff done and have a “free” day.
Even including the overtime pay at the first job, my checks here are over 50% bigger.
It took the threat of poaching for the boss to do anything but they wound up giving my coworker a raise. Clearly they had the money.
I was at a small company for 7 years working 50-60 hours weeks. I left for a large company where I work 40…at most. Usually I get my stuff done and have a “free” day.
Even including the overtime pay at the first job, my checks here are over 50% bigger.
It took the threat of poaching for the boss to do anything but they wound up giving my coworker a raise. Clearly they had the money.