recent: tears of the kingdom, or as i like to call it botw 1.2, its the same thing all over again just with one or two added gimicks, the open world is dead, npcs are boring and nintendo just got away with it like that

not so recent: i cant stand persona 5, joker and his entourage are annoying teenagers, the time management is a horrible gameplay addition and the artstyle is just a visual overstimulation

with that being said,~~ plz dont kill me~~

    1 year ago

    Sea of Thieves. I tried it but something about the camera/movement made me physically sick right from the start. I’m also not too big of a fan of the character designs. I get pirates are scruffy and rowdy, yarrr, but they didn’t seem to have ones that looked somewhat like a regular person.

      1 year ago

      For me, so much of the game is perfect for me, but getting your adventure cut short in an instant by PVP tryhards fast swapping their weapons while bunny hopping ruins the whole experience. Plus, so many people joining will instantly leave - I believe because they’re trying to cheat their way into their “clan’s” world instance.