• redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    It depends what you mean by align.

    The far right is sometimes correct for the wrong reasons. Lacking in dialectics and materialist analysis, the far right often identifies valid social ills yet has zero comprehension of where the problems come from, leading its followers to flail at the wrong targets.

    For example, wages are suppressed and stagnated. The far right blame immigrants. The evidence is right, there: all that surplus value is stolen by the bourgeoisie. The far right complain about taxes because they’re ‘used’ to pay for the ‘lazy’ via welfare. As a general statement, it’s correct but only because the biggest recipients of state financing are the haute bourgeoisie. The amount spent on ordinary people struggling to pay bills is miniscule. (Also, that’s not quite how taxes work, and without state expenditure money doesn’t exist at all, but they’re more complicated issue.) Etc, etc.

    Bear in mind, too, that we consider ‘liberals’ and conservatives to be in the same camp. They’re all liberals because they support capitalism. Liberalism being the ideology of capitalism. The difference between the far right and the ‘centre left’ is negligible. As the saying goes, scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. Meaning that fascism is liberalism’s self-defence against inevitable progress towards socialism / communism.

    So when you ask if our views align with the far right’s, the question is slightly misframed for implying that (a) there’s any significant difference between the right and the left within bourgeois politics (bourgeois being related to commodity production i.e. capitalism, i.e. liberalism) and (b) we wouldn’t be equally disgusted to find that our views align with ‘progressive’ liberals.

    It’s a distinction without a difference. For example, the ‘progressive’ might agree that gender inequality is bad and propose more women promotions, etc. That’s not a bad start but the next question is what happens to the other billions of women who continue to be disproportionally oppressed? Having a woman CEO call the shots or put in the order for another military contract isn’t much consolation.

    The liberal doesn’t see anything fundamentally wrong with capitalism, only the need for minor fixes towards an idealist ‘perfect’ capitalism. Applying dialectical materialism, two things are clear. One, capitalism is irredeemable and irredeemably the cause of 99% of current social problems. Two, anyone who supports capitalism is just as bad as anyone else who supports capitalism, notwithstanding their surface level decoration.

    Worse, all those liberals with the decorative decorum drop the facade as soon as any oppressed person or group decides that they’re unwilling to wait for multiple more generations for the end of their oppression. In sum, any alignment between our views and the far right’s (a view sometimes called ‘horseshoe theory’) is merely incidental, and as incidental as any alignment between our views and those of more progressive liberals. ((Non-)alignment with ultras, leftcoms, Trotskyists, anarchists, etc, is a story for another day.)

    If you’re left of liberal, please stick around. Having sampled what’s on offer, I can tell you that Marxism-Leninism has the answers you’re looking for. It’s the only successful revolutionary theory. It stopped the Nazis, lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, and helped liberate millions more from colonialism. We have reading lists and resources, if you’re interested.

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      One, capitalism is irredeemable and irredeemably the cause of 99% of current social problems.

      A small clarification to this, Capitalism doesn’t cause 99% of social ills, but uses them to distract and manipulate the populace, as you mentioned earlier with conservatives blaming immigrants for high taxes.

      Just so our visitors understand we don’t believe society will magically be perfect overnight if we got rid of capitalism. Problems will still exist, but the obstacle towards fixing them is capitalism, once it is gone we can actively start fixing these problems properly instead of just temporary bandaid solutions.