This is so strange to me. I guess people enjoy being ripped off and getting less and less value for their money.

    8 months ago

    I’m aware of how media subs work and pw sharing works. But for me, I pay for the subscriptions I want access to. If pw sharing gets cut off, that is a free gift I used to give to other people as a bonus, but it doesn’t impact how I chose which subs I pay for to access the content I watch. That’s why I am curious why the primary sub holder of a service would cancel a sub if there’s a PW share crackdown if they are the sole person paying for it and it’s a subscription they enjoy utilizing.

      8 months ago

      Again, you’re looking at it wrong. Or weird, at least. It’s like asking why I’d be mad that the brand of cookies a member of my family eats gets a price hike if I don’t like them myself. They’re still in my shopping cart every week.

      I don’t have a concept of a “primary sub holder”. It’s stuff a group of people gets for the group, and who is paying for which specific parts of the fixed expenses is lost to the mists of time.

      I get that US and anglo cultures in general are less collectivist, but this seems more extreme than that. Surely the concept of a close-knit group of people sharing costs without much precise bookkeeping is not completely alien to you. Do you split grocery shopping with the rest of your household? I mean, I did that when I was sharing an apartment during university, so maybe it’s an age thing?

        8 months ago

        I am aware of close knit families. But when one family member had cable, we’d just have movie/game/tv watch party with the extended family. Sure, if anyone wanted to have it in their own home independent of the social viewing experience, you could always buy it for your household. And the family members that had the cable package, probably would have kept it even if we didn’t come over to visit and watch a game on ESPN or some other cable TV. PW sharing is fine within the household. It’s when it 's out of the household where the crackdown really happens.

          8 months ago

          Hey, I wasn’t the one who switched the system to a username and passwod authorization. My “household” isn’t defined by the physical location anymore than their account system is. Friends and family groups don’t work however Netflix wants them to work for monetization purposes. There are blood relations who don’t sleep under the same roof but hang out daily. There are friend groups that share a roof. There are couples who spend weeks at a time apart but still live together.

          It’s not my fault that Netflix borked the business model and then tried to walk it back once it lured everybody else to a profit dark hole. I’m not gonna change how my social relationships work for the sake of them having a neat revenue stream with no gray areas.

          So no, PW sharing is fine, period, that’s what concurrent screen limits are for. What constitutes a “household” is not for Netflix to define, and I have a social group where some expenses just float around in limbo without a clear attribution or distinction between payers and users. Welcome to existing in real life and having zero time to worry about enshittified late captialist terminally online bullshit, honestly.