• blackbelt352@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I have convos like thar with my parents all the time. Like with Student Debt Forgiveness, they recognize its a problem, they get that its preventing people from buying homes and thar jobs are paying shit, but the glaringly obvious solution of forgiving that debt is just too radically left for them and they worked so hard to keep me from taking on big student loans.

    They’re stuck in the far right-centrist right dichotomy of the Oberton window in the US, and just can’t take that step beyond the bounds of ideas outside the comparatively narrow views in America. My parents aren’t also Fox News watchers, the primarily stick to CNN so they’re not stuck in some absurd false reality but they’re still stuck in a pro capitalist framework.

    • catshit_dogfart@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Same with preventing the circumstances that caused this problem in the first place - regulate the banks? That’s communism!

        • catshit_dogfart@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Predatory loan practices, rate hikes, agreements where you can’t pay extra on the principal, can’t just straight pay off.

          Like, I was lucky, I didn’t get screwed over too hard. But I was in school before it got really bad. So, my low fixed rate federal loans were sold to a private company after I graduated, and they raised the rates considerably. Not only that, but paying extra on the principal raised your interest rate. I got out of that by just paying interest until I had saved up enough money to pay in full. These days you would pay in full plus interest over the original life of the loan.

          Friend of mine, her student loan’s interest rate is 18%. It was much lower when she took out the loan, but now it’s so much she can’t pay it off. Current plan is to pay interest for the rest of her life.

          This shit should be illegal.

    • MasterOBee Master/King@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      but the glaringly obvious solution of forgiving that debt

      Just because that’s what you want doesn’t make it ‘glaringly obvious.’

      Those with student loan debt are middle or middle upper class white folk. The cost of forgiving student debt would be 1.6T

      Are you going to go into your city and yell out ‘we need to give $1.6T to middle and upper class, university educated people, and we need to do it NOW!’? How is that a ‘glaringly obvious’ solution?

      How does this remove the core issues of the student debt crisis: that it doesn’t reduce the cost of college, and may even increase it due to moral hazard? How is student debt forgiveness ‘glaringly obvious’ when it doesn’t address that at all?

      How does it reduce the amount that future students are going to take out to get an education? How is student debt forgiveness a ‘glaringly obvious’ solution to this?

      Just because you and likely your ~30 YO educated peers have an issue doesn’t mean the whole nation just needs to write a blank check when the demographic you’re talking about giving $1.6T to are the highest earners in your generation?

      It’s not that the solution is ‘glaringly obvious’ - and everyone who doesn’t support it are just stuck in the far right, it’s because there are legitimate problems with your ‘glaringly obvious’ solution.