I’m a casual eBay user. On rare occasions, I will sell household items when I no longer use them. Well, I went to sell my Nintendo Switch on eBay and found out my account has been restricted indefinitely selling. When I tried chat with the customer service agent, they provided a name of some entity that I don’t recognize in relation to my account for the reason for restriction, then refused to help me any further and simply disconnect. What kind of shity service is that? When I was provided an automated option to “appeal”, it didn’t work when i clicked on it. It didn’t do anything. Same with other options. They don’t have any other way to appeal on their website from what I can see. So caught off guard and annoyed.

  • Bdtrngl@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    There are several alternatives out there but ebay dominates the market share so much they don’t seem to do well. And it seems like setting up a competitor would be hilariously expensive and probably would end up just as terrible.

    • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Not to mention rampant fraud. One of the reasons they’re as aggressive and assholish is the sheer amount of illicit activity